Wild Life

Guests are spoiled by wandering amongst our free-roaming, tame wildlife, including Impala, Springbok & Nyala.

Our prolific birdlife will allow you to watch our Grey Heron pair feeding their chicks with fish caught from one of our three dams. The dams have created their own eco systems and the bird & animal life in and around the dams is a must see for nature lovers.

  • Latest News

    • Thabazimbi Accommodation Image

      Year end function success!

      January 11, 2013
    • Thabazimbi Accommodation Image

      Grey Heron pair breeding again!

      October 04, 2014
  • Testimonials

    • The food was absolutely fantastic. Not only my body, but my entire soul was completely rested.

    • My twee dae se verblyf was siel verkwikkend! Die kamer is luuks, die kos baie goed en die natuurskoon asemrowend.

Deo Volente Country Lodge is an Afristay Valued Member